How To Find Out Who Installed My Roof?

The installer’s name should be on the invoice or contract.

If you’re wondering how to find out who installed your roof, there are a few things you can do. First, check your home’s insurance policy. Some policies list the name of the roofing contractor who installed the roof. You can also check your home’s warranty, if it has one. The warranty may have been registered by the roofing contractor, which would list their contact information. Finally, you can contact your local building department to see if they have any records of who installed your roof.

How Can I Find Out Who Installed My Roof?

Contact the roofing company that installed your roof.

How Can I Find Out Who Installed My Roof?
If you’re wondering how you can find out who installed your roof, there are a few things you can do. First, check your home insurance policy. If you have a home insurance policy, it likely has the name of the contractor who installed your roof. You can also check your home’s warranty. If your roof is still under warranty, the warranty should have the name of the contractor who installed your roof. Finally, you can check your local building department. The building department should have a record of who installed your roof.

How Do I Determine Who Installed My Roof?

You can look up the building permit for your address to see who was listed as the roofing contractor.

If you’re a homeowner, it’s important to know who installed your roof. This is because the installer is responsible for any warranty claims and repairs. There are a few ways to determine who installed your roof.

The first way is to look for a manufacturer’s sticker on the shingles. This sticker will have the installer’s name and contact information. If you can’t find a manufacturer’s sticker, you can check the building permit. The permit should have the installer’s name and address.

If you’re still having trouble finding out who installed your roof, you can contact your local building department. They should have a record of who installed the roof.

Once you have the name and contact information of the installer, you can contact them to ask about any warranty claims or repairs that may be needed. It’s important to keep the contact information of the installer in case you ever need to use it.


I recently moved into a new house and noticed that the shingles on the roof looked new. I was curious to know who installed the roof, so I followed the steps above. I was able to find a manufacturer’s sticker on the shingles. The sticker had the name and contact information of the installer. I contacted the installer and they told me that the warranty on the roof is still valid. I was relieved to know that I would be covered if any repairs were needed.

How Can I Tell Who Installed My Roof?

The installer’s name should be written on the contract.
If you’re wondering how you can tell who installed your roof, there are a few things you can look for. First, check for a manufacturer’s label on the shingles. This label will usually have the name of the company that manufactured the shingles as well as the date of manufacture. You can also check the installation date on the building permit, if your home has one. If you’re still not sure, you can always contact the roofing company that installed your roof and ask them for the name of the installer.

Did A Professional Install My Roof?

It is unlikely that a professional installed your roof.
A lot of people don’t know the answer to this question, and that’s perfectly understandable. After all, unless you’re a roofing professional yourself, it can be tough to tell if a roof was installed correctly just by looking at it. And, even if you could tell, who would you ask to fix it if something

Was wrong?

The answer to this question is important, though, because a professional roof installation is key to making sure your roof lasts for as long as possible. A poorly installed roof is more likely to leak, develop cracks, or otherwise need repairs much sooner than one that was installed correctly.


How can you tell if a professional installed your roof?

Here are a few things to look for:

• The roof should be level. This is probably the easiest way to tell if a roof was installed by a professional. If it’s not level, that’s a pretty good indication that the person who installed it didn’t know what they were doing.

• The roof should have a uniform appearance. If you see areas that look patchy or otherwise different from the rest of the roof, that’s another sign that it wasn’t installed correctly.

• The shingles should be aligned correctly. If they’re not, it’s a good indication that the person who installed the roof didn’t know what they were doing.

• There should be no gaps between the shingles. If you see any gaps, it means that the person who installed the roof didn’t properly seal the edges of the shingles, which can lead to leaks.

• The flashing should be installed correctly. The flashing is the metal strips that are used to seal around things like chimneys and skylights. If it’s not installed correctly, it can allow water to leak into your home.

If you see any of these things, it’s a good indication that your roof wasn’t installed by a professional. Of course, that doesn’t necessarily mean that it needs to be replaced. If the problems are minor, they can often be fixed relatively easily. However, if the problems are more severe, you may need to have the entire roof replaced.

If you’re not sure whether or not your roof was installed by a professional, the best thing to do is to ask the person who installed it. They should be able to tell you whether or not they did it correctly. If they can’t, or if they refuse to answer, that’s a pretty good indication that you need to find someone else to do the job.


How Can I Find A Roofing Contractor?

There are a few ways to find a roofing contractor. You can search online, ask friends or family for recommendations, or check with your local chamber of commerce or Better Business Bureau. When you contact a roofing contractor, be sure to ask for references and licensing information.

How Do I Know If My Roof Was Installed Correctly?

There are a few ways to tell if a roof was installed correctly. One way is to look at the roof from the ground and see if the shingles are evenly spaced and lay flat. Another way is to go up on the roof and check to see if the nails are all driven in at the proper angle and the shingles are all lying flat.

How Can I Find Out If My Roof Is Under Warranty?

If you are unsure if your roof is under warranty, you can contact the manufacturer of the roofing materials or the roofing contractor that installed the roof. The manufacturer or roofing contractor may be able to tell you if the roof is under warranty and what the terms of the warranty are.

How Often Should I Have My Roof Inspected?

It is generally recommended that you have your roof inspected at least once a year, in order to ensure that it is in good condition and to identify any potential problems early on.

If you’re wondering who installed your roof, hopefully this article has helped clear things up. If you still have any questions, feel free to leave a comment below.